Mark Hale

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader — Dolly Parton

Background Statement

  • I am a life long resident of Amelia OH outside of Cincinnati. I met my wife in college and we have 3 children and 3 beautiful grandchildren. I have had a lifelong passion for sports- playing soccer, basketball and baseball/softball competitively into my 40s, while also umpiring and coaching baseball. I have served as a mentor for the local school system, assisting students in focusing on their studies, preparing them for life after school.
  • Devoted the majority of my adult life to developing outstanding associates, generating outstanding results and becoming a recognized expert in retail, marketing and managed services. I serve at the local and national level for industry organizations PCC and MSMA, along with leading the way in developing and maintaining Mail Industry training certifications for MSMA membership while obtaining the highest level certifications in the industry.


  • Travel
  • American History
  • Yardwork
  • Spending time with grandchildren

Unique Skill (s)

  • Master of useless trivia and obscure sports facts
  • Knows the lyrics of nearly every ‘one hit wonder’ song

Fun Facts

  • I have visited the Hall of Fame for all major and college sports leagues in Kansas city.
  • Had the opportunity to meet many sports stars including Julius Erving, Mike Krzyzewski, Jimmy Johnson and David Concepcion.

Desired SuperHero Characteristic

  • Invisibility
Mark Hale

Awards & Recognition

  • Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Manager (CMDSM)
  • Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Supplier (CMDSS)
  • USPS Mailpiece Design Professional
  • Executive Mail Center Manager
  • Frequent Speaker MailCom
  • Speaker National Postal Forum
  • National Vice President Education MSMA
  • Industry Co Chair, Cincinnati PCC
  • Articles published in Industry Magazines - MAIL Magazine - Mailing Systems and Technology Magazine

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