Josh Hagee

Southgate, KY

We're calling this, Controlling what you can when things feel Out of Control - Olaf, Frozen

Background Statement

  • I grew up in Lexington, Ky attending school at Henry Clay High School in the Liberal Arts Academy. Graduating from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, I earned a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering.
  • While working for Onsite Management Group, I have held several roles, gaining expertise in various supportive services. By utilizing the training and resources OMG provides, along with my past experiences, I have been able to expand my knowledge in the areas of mail, print, and courier/logistics. With this knowledge, I’ve had the opportunity to improve how we serve our client and uncover substantial cost savings.


  • Music
  • Family Adventures
  • Gaming
  • Golfing

Unique Skill (s)

  • I can solve a Rubik’s Cube in less than 4 minutes and I can also French braid my daughter's hair.

Fun Facts

  • I played bass guitar in a band, performing in several charity concerts throughout college.

Desired SuperHero Characteristic

  • Super Speed
Josh Hagee

Awards & Recognition

  • Mail Design Professional
  • All-Star Award

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