Christian Jimenez

San Francisco, CA

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them - Mark Twain. Better late than never, but never late is better - Drake

Background Statement

  • Born and raised in San Francisco. Being the only child to a single mother, it was necessary for me to find employment right after graduating high school. I received an associate degree in Business Administration and have been working on advancing my career and developing my skills with Onsite Management Group through their management training program
  • Over the last three years, Christian has been working diligently learning about the mail industry as well as customer relationship building, administrative reporting, and general management by self-teaching with hands on experience, or guidance and coaching from my supervisor with OMG


  • Basketball
  • Calisthenics
  • Chess
  • Cooking
  • Video Games

Unique Skill (s)

Fun Facts

  • In my sophomore year of high school, I grew an additional 5” inches, putting me at 5’10”. Being a professional NBA player was becoming a realistic goal. Christian is now 30 years old and 5’10”. He is not in the NBA.

Desired SuperHero Characteristic

  • Teleportation
Christian Jimenez

Awards & Recognition

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