Babatunde Palmer
Chicago, IL
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from any one you can. There will always come a time when you will be grateful you did - Sarah Caldwell
Background Statement
- I lived most of my life in Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa, where I received most of my education. I am furthering my degree in lean methodology. My background is Supply Chain Logistics. I previously owned a logistics company, worked for UPS, CarMax, Home Depot, And Amazon thru a third party called Ship Inpax. I began my employment with Onsite Management Group in 2018. I am proud and passionate about working with OMG in the Chicagoland area. I breath, eat, sleep and walk mail services and logistics.
- Golfing
- Biking
- Driving
- Singing
- Traveling
Unique Skill (s)
- Dancing and Risk taker
Fun Facts
- Adrenaline Junkie and Caribbean Carnival Junkie. I’ve lived in 3 continents Africa, Europe and North America
Desired SuperHero Characteristic
- Can Do Attitude
Awards & Recognition
- Six Sigma Green Belt
- Wrigley Gum Award Logistics company of the year 2002
- Several awards at UPS, Amazon, DuPage Medical Group and Onsite Management Group